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great war 第一次世界大戰。

great week

Drawing on its experience in the two preceding revolutionary stages , on its organizational strength and the strength of its armed forces , on its high political prestige among the people of the whole country , and on its deeper understanding of the unity between the theory of marxism - leninism and the practice of the chinese revolution , our party has not only established the anti - japanese national united front but has also been conducting the great war of resistance against japan 黨憑借著過去兩個革命階段中的經驗,憑借著黨的組織力量和武裝力量,憑借著黨在全國人民中間的很高的政治信仰,憑借著黨對于馬克思列寧主義的理論和中國革命的實踐之更加深入的更加統一的理解,就不但建立了抗日民族統一戰線,而且進行了偉大的抗日戰爭。

Greek mythology ) a great war fought between greece and troy ; the greeks sailed to troy to recover helen of troy , the beautiful wife of the greek king menelaus who had been abducted by paris ; after ten years the greeks ( via the trojan horse ) achieved final victory and burned troy to the ground (希臘神話)希臘和特洛伊之間的偉大戰爭;希臘航行到特洛伊收回了特洛伊的海倫,希臘國王美麗的妻子斯巴達王被巴黎綁架;十年以后希臘取得了最終的。

Since the great war two , international trade has achieved great development and the form of international trade has also changed greatly . the processing trade gradually becomes an important trade method of joining the international community 第二次世界大戰以后,國際貿易有了巨大的發展,國際貿易的方式也發生重大變化,加工貿易已成為當今世界各國參與國際分工的重要貿易方式。

But the word of the lord came to me , saying , thou hast shed blood abundantly , and hast made great wars : thou shalt not build an house unto my name , because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight 代上22 : 7只是耶和華的話臨到我、說、你流了多人的血、打了多次大仗你不可為我的名建造殿宇、因為你在我眼前使多人的血流在地上。

But the word of the lord came to me , saying , thou hast shed blood abundantly , and hast made great wars : thou shalt not build an house unto my name , because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight 7只是耶和華的話臨到我說,你流了多人的血,打了多次大仗,你不可為我的名建造殿宇,因為你在我眼前使多人的血流在地上。

When abraham lincoln , the union ' s civil war president , first met the author , harriet beecher stowe , he greeted her with the words : “ so you ' re the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war . 由于作品深刻剖析了美國19世紀的黑奴問題而享譽世界文壇,這座小屋也因為是“湯姆叔叔”的舊宅而擁有了不同尋常的歷史價值。

Company of heroes is a ww2 turn - based strategy game that brings to life the journey of the brave men of able company as they fight across europe in the greatest war mankind has ever known 《英雄連》是一部描述二戰額戰略游戲,阿貝爾連的勇士們在那場人類最偉大的戰爭中,在歐洲奮勇作戰的戰斗歷程再次重現在我們的面前。

Though i ' d never ventured very far beyond the outskirts of my home village , i knew the tales of the great war , the rending , and of course the shattering 雖然我之前的所謂冒險從未遠離過我們村子的周邊,但是我也聽說過許多關于那次偉大的戰爭,大撕裂,當然還有大破碎的傳奇故事。

Athena : because of fear kratos . a fear felt by his father , cronos . a fear that naught the great war . a fear that drove zeus to kill you . his own son 雅典娜。因為恐懼,一個來自他的父親,克羅諾斯的恐懼,一個導致了圣戰爆發的恐懼,一個使得宙斯要殺死你他的親生兒子的恐懼。

On the 11th of november , 1921 , inspired by this poem , the red poppy was adopted as a symbol of remembrance for those who died in the great war and all subsequent conflicts 榮軍紀念日最接近11月11日的那個星期天,加拿大和英國在這一天紀念在兩次世界大戰中陣亡的將士。

The people of the whole world are attentively following this war , which has no precedent in the history of the east , and which will go down as a great war in world history too 這個戰爭,在東方歷史上是空前的,在世界歷史上也將是偉大的,全世界人民都關心這個戰爭。

They returned to the old world during the great war , lending their magic and skill to the human ranks to push the chaos invasion back 他們在“大戰”中回到了舊世界,將他們的魔法和技能傳授給了人類的士兵去擊退混亂軍團的進攻。

In the last days of the second moment a great war is to be concluded with judgment and a global conflagration lasting 1 , 468 years 在第二片刻的最后日子,一場世界大戰最后是隨著審判而來,一場全球的大火災持續了1 , 468年。

“ the great wars of romagna had ended ; c ? sar borgia , who had completed his conquest , had need of money to purchase all italy “羅馬尼大戰業已結束。凱撒布琪亞完成其征服事業以后,急需款子購買意大利全境。

I am setting off now to the war , the greatest war there has ever been , and i know nothing , and am good for nothing 現在我要去參戰,參加一次前所未有的至為偉大的戰爭,可我一無所知,一點也不中用。

“ the great wars are going to be between greg oden and bynum , between yao ming and oden , between yao and bynum . “那些偉大的比賽將會在奧登和拜納姆之間、姚明和奧登之間、姚明和拜納姆之間產生。 ”

I remember my grandson asked me the other day , he said : “ grandpa , were you a hero in the great war ? 有一天我的小孫子問我“爺爺,你是大戰中的英雄嗎?我回答:不. . . . . .但我加入了一個英雄的團隊!

“ our generation has had no great war , no great depression . our war is spiritual . our depression is our lives 我們這一代人沒有經歷過戰爭和大蕭條.我們的戰爭是與靈魂的斗爭,我們的生活就是大蕭條

{ nic _ 4 } { we try to remind people why the great war happened in the first place . and help insure it won ' t ever happen again {我們試著去提醒人們,大戰是如何開始的。并且確保它不會再次發生。